Do you work with consumers faced with financial challenges? Consumers who want to repay their debts yet need help budgeting and a plan to make their monthly credit card payments, need to better understand their student loan repayment options and perhaps even need to discuss their current housing situation?
If you can say yes to any of the above, then a member of the Financial Counseling Association of America (FCAA) can help! FCAA’s membership is comprised of nonprofit credit counseling agencies who day in and day out work with consumers facing financial challenges. Consumers who want to repay their debts in full but need that extra guidance.
If you think your consumers can benefit from any of the services our members offer, let’s talk about the FCAA’s affiliate program … including referral links, banners and messaging and fees.
If you have questions about our affiliate program, call Lori Pollack at 866-278-1567 or email us using the form below.