All of our member agencies are non-profit organizations committed to helping you understand your student loan situation fully and implement the best possible solution(s) for you. All of our student loan debt counselors undergo extensive training to ensure that you receive the highest-quality service and student loan repayment assistance. When you get student loan counseling from our members, you get real unbiased advice designed to help you pay off your debt and achieve greater financial health.
Our comprehensive sessions are geared towards providing you with all the information and guidance you need to understand the complexities of your situation. Our member agencies have helped literally hundreds of thousands of families and individuals over many years and are here for you. Be careful of companies charging exorbitant fees and offering you one “quick fix” solution. Student loan debt is manageable if you fully understand the options available to you, and our non-profit member agencies are here to help.
Trained non-profit counselors will help with:
Assessment of your goals
- Get out of default, stop garnishment, resolve delinquency, improve credit, go back to school, secure lower payments, achieve loan forgiveness, consolidate loans, simplify repayment, pay off your student debt faster, lower interest rate
Collection of accurate loan information
- Loan type(s), loan balances, loan status, monthly payments, interest rates
- Conversion & analysis of NSLDS file
Your Personal Budget
- This is especially important for borrowers with defaulted loans
Eligibilty Questionnaire
- Series of questions to determine eligibility for different programs, postponements, discharges, and cancellations
Making the Right Decision
- Based on your circumstances, goals, and loan types, we provide recommendations for paying off student loans, including:
- Income-Driven Repayment Plans
- Consolidation
- Postponement: Deferment and Forbearance
- Loan Forgiveness (Income-Driven plans, Teacher Loan Forgiveness, Public Service Loan Forgiveness, Perkins Loan Cancellation)
- Loan Discharge
- Resolving delinquency
Implementation and Assistance
- Provide assistance in implementing borrower’s solution, including:
- Guidance with online applications for Income-Driven plans and consolidation
- Conference calls with servicers to apply forbearance until applications are approved, to provide assistance in resolving delinquency, and to address any other borrower concerns
- Conference call with collection agencies to establish rehabilitation programs
Fee Processing
- At the completion of the counseling session only and with a money back guarantee
Action Plan
- Provide a summary of solutions implemented during the counseling session, education about the loan options, and any necessary next steps for the borrower
- Inform borrower of time frame for application to process, and advise borrower of necessary follow-up if application is not approved
- Courtesy 60-day follow-up to check on status